BioScore Player Assessments

The most comprehensive pitching and swing assessments available anywhere.

What's Your BioScore?

What's Your BioScore?

Our BioScore player assessment is an MLB-level player exam built to identify exactly what’s holding you back as an athlete. Our process takes 2-3 days, where we collect biomechanics movement data, pitch and swing data, Proteus Motion data, while also assessing movement quality, strength, athleticism, mobility, ROM, sequencing, and more. We examine your recovery habits, eating habits, diet, and your mental state and overall preparedness as an athlete. We then sit down together and review high speed video, print written reports, discuss your strengths/weaknesses and then develop a custom plan to attack those areas we need to improve.

How To Get Started:

  • Welcome Call

    We set up your initial phone call and answer all questions and run you through the process, training options, and how to get started.

  • Pre-Work

    Fill out info forms, goal sheet, player questionnaires, and home videos for the pre-work before our in-person exam.

  • Day One

    First day of BioScore focuses on pitch or swing data. We collect all data on position-specific movements and mechanics.

  • Day Two

    Day 2 is focused on assessing strength max power output, movement quality, and then we sit down together and discuss results and the plan to address those issues.


  • BioScore is a very in-depth player assessment. Level 1 is built for younger players with solid foundations but still probably aren’t quite ready or able to understand biomechanics data and interpretation. Level 2 is built for the high school, college, or pro athlete who needs to identify what’s holding them back. Level 3 is built for the elite level college or professional who needs an extremely high level assessment from experts to find that next 1%.

  • We collect data on movement quality, athleticism, balance, coordination, swing/pitching mechanics, power, explosion, strength, rotational power, pitch data, swing data, nutrition, recovery, sleep habits, and more.

  • It begins with an initial phone call. There, we will briefly discuss your goals, success, injury history, and run you through the process. Once we identify if you’re a good fit, we set up a date for your in-person assessment. They can be back-to-back days, or spread out over a week. Before we start in person, we collect info forms, player goals, injury history reports, and a quick initial movement screen so we get a head start on who you are as an athlete and your limitations.

  • Following the assessment, we sit down together and go over the results. We talk about where your biggest needs and areas of improvement are. If desired, we develop a fully customized plan to attack your weaknesses and improve the things necessary to maximize your potential as an athlete. We update the your training plan every month to make sure we’re on track and progressing on schedule.